Self Sabotage
Sarah and Dr Amanda Foo-Ryland are the developers of SSET™

SET is the Egyptian God of destruction and so is SELF SABOTAGE.
Self Sabotage is the single most destroying thing we can do to ourselves, things are tracking well and before we know it we are de-railing that success, creating destruction within our lives, every time. It becomes a pattern, a normality, the destruction takes hold quickly and something that could have taken months to nurture into our lives is destroyed in minutes
Dr Amanda and Sarah have worked with thousands of clients to eliminate self sabotaging behaviours over the last 14 years. Through their experience with clients and their desire to ensure fast and effective change that lasts they have developed a technique that allows you to eliminate anything that is holding you back, SSET™
Using this technique we have transformed people’s lives and not in a small way. We are talking about finding life long partners, getting the job of your dreams, moving to a new continent and importantly eradicating negative self-talk and self-destructive behaviour that is running 24/7.
People can spend time creating ‘Coronation Streets’ in their imagination, thinking that people don’t approve, don’t like them and create a false sense of who they are and how powerful they are. This simple technique eliminates the deep rooted problem, the part of them that destroys, sabotages their inner belief to give the client freedom to be powerful, to have their life back and live their truth.”
Every behaviour is a governed by a piece of neurology in the brain, it was installed as a child and over time it has been influenced by our environment. We all arrived on this planet perfectly whole, it’s just other people’s stuff has got in the way
We have the tools to re- wire the brain, delete this behaviour and install something in its place that is magnificent!