About Dr. Amanda


Life was ticking along nicely, the business was thriving, I was fit and healthy, undertaking many crazy charity events, home life was great and then bang! The first curveball of life hit, a diagnosis of kidney cancer which was swiftly treated with surgery as this type of cancer is known as the ‘biggest silent killer’.

Three months later I ran a mountain marathon. Exactly a year and a day later sadly, I lost my beloved husband Keith, also to Cancer. A turbulent time followed of course with many lessons learned, often the hard way.

Brighter horizons finally arose with a new love and a new start in life, this however was not as joyful or as easy as one may think. I fell in love with Sarah, this as you may understand came with its fair share of judgment and pain.

All of this wealth of life experience allowed me to develop and grow as a human being and importantly as a Coach. Things looked to be getting back on track however life was not to agree. Three weeks before we were to be married the most horrendous tragedy struck that was sure to test them both, their relationship and their strength of character, Sarah’s beautiful and courageous Mum ‘Doreen’ was attacked and killed by a shark whilst diving in Australia.

It’s fair to say that these events have each individually been a huge challenge but together one may feel almost impossible to overcome. If I had not had the tool kit and worked with the tools daily then the outcome could have been so different. 

And so back to the mission, I want to help as many people in this world live a full and passionate life and I have the experience and expertise to do it.


– The National Three Peaks Challenge UK twice.

– Run 18 marathons including: New York, London, Madrid.

– Motatapu Mountain Marathon in New Zealand (7 times)!

– She has also smashed the Kepler Mountain Ultra Marathon NZ 65km.

– Half IronMan Wanaka.


Bike challenges have included;

– The length of the South Island of New Zealand

– Lands end to John O’Groats UK combined with the National 3 Peaks Challenge

– Courcheval to York

– Mount Ventoux France.



Bike challenges have included;

– The length of the South Island of New Zealand

– Lands end to John O’Groats UK combined with the National 3 Peaks Challenge

– Courcheval to York

– Mount Ventoux France.



In 2008 with the assistance of an amazing team in Portugal, I ran across Portugal, a first and a way to raise large amounts of money for several charities, covering a marathon a day, everyday for 7 days.